Marta Rodriguez Romero

Ana María Gutiérrez Nsue

I wanted to express how much I like superheros portraying myself in one, and at the same time trying to express the way in which sometimes we wish we were normal, with a boring and perfect life. That's why both of my characters are looking at eachother, they wish they were the person they are looking at. Its a paradox as both are me! I used your advice of putting my real picture but it didnt look good in contrast with the comic landscape so I portrayed my face in black and white. Also I did the poster as if it was part of a comic story, to follow the theme...

Hector Martin

Victor Ginés Vidal Carpio

El cartel está enfocado para la venta de un nuevo altavoz de la marca ficticia beLoud®

Marta Torres

He querido prevenir a los jóvenes, sobre las enfermedades de transmisión sexual de un modo que me ha parecido un poco impactante.

Mi idea era hacer una especie de campaña publiciaria para la asociación española anti sida, pero metiendo mi imagen.

Ignasi Monreal Laguillo

Rüya Candemir

This poster aims to stir interest for a social issue - violence against women as the logo I placed on the lower left corner speaks for it. The image of me stands for a maltreated lady: her eyes and the ashamed expression in her eyes almost totally covered by her hair, looking miserable not only for what she was subject to, but also for the reason what she has experienced will remain either unnoticed or noticed but then forgotten (as the burning polaroid implies), which is the common case in most of the world. The black eye-makeup/teardrop stains and the black pullover are serving this aim for sure.

Miguel Jimenez

the purpose of this poster is to promote a set of services by a freelance consultant and goes around the issues actually seen in the industry where subjects are treated as pre-packed disciplines to adopt. it makes the point on personal interaction with people, human factors and social experiences withouth falling into fake promises.

Adriana Galbis Rubio

Este personaje es una loba con piel de cordera. O no...
En definitiva, lo que pienso es que los personajes que nos gustan, a los que admiramos, son para nosotros lo que ellos deciden ser. En general no vemos más allá de lo que queremos ver.

Cristina Guijarro

Irina Urumova

The poster brands me as a “phantom,” an elusive character that invites the viewer to follow. It is different from other branding prototypes, such as “star,” “product” or “benefactor,” in that I do not aim at garnering support, I am not inviting to copy me nor do I solicit donations. A phantom may as much be a hero as an anti-hero, the intention underlying this prototype being to leave nobody indifferent whatever it takes. The expressive language employed by the poster may range anywhere from offensive and revolting to enticing and attractive. A phantom does not, however, become closer to the viewer who chooses to follow. It is intrinsically mysterious and elusive and defies clear-cut explanations. It is therefore important for a “me as a phantom” branding poster to use an intentionally vague language, to leave things unsaid. My poster does this by not showing the character´s face (nor its feet – think “yurei” ghosts!) and by making the text not easily readable – the viewer is invited to do some guesswork which adds to the overall mystery. The character´s body language is deliberately neutral to show the disengagement of the phantom from the surrounding reality and the distance between the phantom and the willing follower.

José Manuel

Lo que quiero expresar es la libertad sexual, pero con precaución, todos somos mayores para saber lo que tenemos que hacer y con quien lo hacemos, a fin de cuentas es nuestra responsabilidad.

José Cabañero Martinez

Anuncio publicitario de una nueva compañia de telefonos movil

Diego Ruiz Sanchez

Sarah Melendez

Valentina Nesci

Mi trabajo representa mi persona como producto, una portada de cómic.
He decidido representarme con una ilustración porque me gusta mucho este sector y creo que representa mi personalidad y mi estilo en general.

Andrea Mattioli

Se quiere expresar el perfil del "killer" mediante el uso de la tipografía como si estuviera en movimiento además de la imagén del puño y del color rojo que simboliza sangre, fuego, acción, fuerza, disputa, destrucción e impulso, así mismo crueldad y rabia. Es el color que evoca la guerra, el diablo y el mal.

Como este perfil no corresponde a mi naturaleza mi figura se queda atrás y tiene forma más bien de silueta.

Bea Feijoo

Antonio Gallardo López

Lorena Guedes

Paula Martinez Cabaleiro

Este es mi anuncio, de mi propia marca, vintage. Por ello he elegido una fotografia antigua de la ciudad de Nueva York y las modelos están en color representando que es una ropa actual. La "P" y el punto es el logotipo de la marca.

Cristina Pires

Como mi experiencia laboral está relacionada principalmente con el mundo de la construcción en obra metalomecánica, el cartel traduce la forma de promocionar mi persona.

En el cartel estoy arrojando mi profesión actual e irrumpiendo en el mundo del arte.

Se aplica a mí (o a cualquier otra persona que le pase lo mismo) y al comprador, también el tiene que atreverse a cambiar.

Os dejo una canción de un cantante portugués (ya muerto) António Variações, que me gusta y habla de lo mismo, del cambio : pincha aqui.


MUDA DE VIDA - António Variações

Muda de vida se tu não vives satisfeito

Muda de vida, estás sempre a tempo de mudar

Muda de vida, não deves viver contrafeito

Muda de vida, se há vida em ti a latejar

Ver-te sorrir eu nunca te vi

E a cantar, eu nunca te ouvi

Será te ti ou pensas que tens... que ser assim

Olha que a vida não, não é nem deve ser

Como um castigo que tu terás que viver


Cambia de vida si tu no vives contento

Cambia de vida, uno siempre tiene tiempo para cambiar

Cambia de vida, tu no debes vivir angustiado

Cambia de vida, si hay vida en ti